10-14-24 Liturgy

Main Theme:  Journeying with Jesus.

Goal: Focus our attention on Jesus and be open to what He wants to do & say in our gathering.

Suggested Practice:
Take a few minutes to pray to confess your sins and acknowledge your need for God’s grace and forgiveness.

“Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your name. Amen”.

Goal: Make Jesus central in our gathering. This could be done through songs, prayerful scripture reading, communion, etc.

Suggested Practice:
Choose 2 songs to sing together (or listen to) that will help you focus on God’s invitation for relationship.

Possible Options:
____[Dismiss the Kids/Youth]____

Goal: To know each other's stories.

Suggested Practice A:
Select one person to answer the following question:
  • When was a time in your life where you stayed close to Jesus during challenging circumstances? What difference did it make? How has it changed you?

Suggested Practice B:
Select one person to answer the following question:
  • Who has been an example to you of staying close to Jesus during challenging circumstances? How have they inspired you? How has their example changed you?

Suggested Practice C:
Break into groups of 3 people. Answer the following questions:
  • What are you thankful for this week?
  • What has stressed you out this week?
Give the groups 10 minutes to answer the question. Encourage everyone to share.

Goal: Learn how to follow Jesus in everyday life.

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand that we’ll face challenges as we journey with Jesus.
  • Explain how we can cultivate a resilient faith.
  • Describe how the message, Jesus is Lord, affects our everyday lives.

Suggested Practice A:
Possible Questions:
  1. Why is it important to understand that God’s goodness is greater than human foolishness and sin?
  2. When you reflect on Paul and Barnabas’ sharp disagreement and subsequent separate journeys (Acts 15:36-41), how does it impact your own journey with Jesus?
  3. The Apostle Paul believed it was necessary to circumcise Timothy before he joined him and Silas on their missionary journey (Acts 16:3). Timothy didn’t need to be circumcised to be saved but it would enable them to move freely among the Jewish community and therefore further advance the Kingdom work. Are there any sacrifices, on your journey with Jesus, that you don’t need to make but if you did it would further advance the Kingdom?
  4. God kept preventing Paul and his companions from traveling in their desired direction (Acts
    16:6-7). Why does following God often feel like we are heading down a path that is taking us in the wrong direction?
  5. Throughout the book of Acts, the followers of Jesus carried the message that Jesus is Lord. It’s a message that challenges the powers of this world and changes both our present and future reality. How does the message, “Jesus is Lord”, affect your everyday life or current circumstances?

Suggested Practice B:
Read Acts 16:16-34 together. What do you notice? What questions do these words provoke? What does it mean to follow Jesus?

____[Kids/Youth Rejoin Adults]____

Goal: Respond appropriately to what Jesus is doing & saying in our gathering.

Suggested Practice A:
Pray the Lord’s Prayer as a Small Church. Ask different people to read one line at a time. Go slow and meditate on each line as you pray.

Our Father in heaven,
Holy is your name,
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
As we forgive those
Who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For yours is the Kingdom, the power,
And the glory, forever. Amen.

Suggested Practice B:
Create a Small Church prayer board. Ask everyone in your Small Church to identify one person in their life who is disconnected from God or church.

Break into groups of 3 and ask everyone to pray for one name on the list. Over the next few months, pray that every person on the list would have a positive encounter with God and/or the church.

Goal: Remember Jesus' death and resurrection. Receive strength & joy that He is with us. Renew our hope for Jesus' return and the restoration of creation.

Suggested Practice:
  • Distribute bread and juice.
  • Read the following statement…“the body of Christ has been given, broken for us and the entire world. This bread reminds us that He paid a debt that He did not owe so that we wouldn’t have to pay a debt that we did owe”.
  • Eat the bread.
  • Read the following statement…“The blood of Christ has been poured out, shed for us and the entire world. This juice reminds us that we have a permanent and unbreakable relationship with Him and that death has no power over us and no power over creation”.
  • Drink the juice.

Goal: Focus our attention on Jesus and consider what He wants to do & say this coming week.

Suggested Practice:
Read Acts 18:9-10 aloud as if Jesus was speaking the same words to your Small Church. Then, pray a blessing over your Small Church.