Youth Ministry

A Place for Students to Build Their Lives on Solid Rock and Live Jesus-Centered

Mission & Programs

We believe that youth are a significant generation and therefore, we’re committed to their spiritual formation. Their participation is an important part of this journey. That’s why we want to invite them to learn and grow alongside adults who are seeking to establish rhythms and habits that cultivate lives that are inwardly connected, outwardly focused, and humbly submitted to Jesus.

At Big Church, our youth are invited to stay in the service with their families and participate in the worship, communion, and sermon. Other times, they will join one of our pastors during the sermon for a separate message tailored for our youth.

At Small Church, it will look a little different at each location. However, we always have at least one small church that has a dedicated time for youth.

Youth looking to serve

We know a lot of our youth & students enjoy serving in the life of our church, especially in the Children’s Ministry!
If you or a student you know are interested in serving, let us know by filling out the form below and we’ll get you connected.