09-08-24 Liturgy

Main Theme:  Cultivating a life of fervent prayer.

Goal: Focus our attention on Jesus and be open to what He wants to do & say in our gathering.

Suggested Practice:
Read Psalm 84 and thank God for desiring, making a way, and inviting us into relationship with Him.

Goal: Make Jesus central in our gathering. This could be done through songs, prayerful scripture reading, communion, etc.

Suggested Practice:
Choose 2 songs to sing together (or listen to) that will help you focus on God’s invitation for relationship.

Possible Options:
____[Dismiss the Kids/Youth]____

Goal: To know each other's stories.

Suggested Practice A:
Select one person to answer the following question:
  • When was a time in your life that God answered your prayers in a miraculous way?

Suggested Practice B:
Select one person to answer the following question:
  • Who has been an example to you of cultivating a life of fervent prayer? How have they inspired you? How has their example changed you?

Suggested Practice C:
Break into groups of 3 people. Answer the following questions:
  • What are you thankful for this week?
  • What has stressed you out this week?
Give the groups 10 minutes to answer the question. Encourage everyone to share.

Goal: Learn how to follow Jesus in everyday life.

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand the importance of a healthy prayer life. 
  • Explain why we should cultivate a life of prayer when God already knows the outcome.
  • Describe how we can cultivate a life of fervent prayer.

Suggested Practice A:
  1. Why should we bother to pray if God already knows the outcome?
  2. In Acts 12:15, why do the gathered believers have trouble believing that their prayers have been answered?
  3. When have you prayed fervently and then had trouble believing that God was answering or had answered?
  4. How do we cultivate a life of fervent prayer?
  5. What one change can you make to better cultivate a life of fervent prayer?

Suggested Practice B:
Read Acts 12:1-19 together. What do you notice? What questions do these words provoke? What does it mean to follow Jesus?

____[Kids/Youth Rejoin Adults]____

Goal: Respond appropriately to what Jesus is doing & saying in our gathering.

Suggested Practice A:
Break into groups of 3 and ask everyone to identify 1 person in their life that they are feeling led to fervently pray for. Pray for each person that was identified.

Suggested Practice B:
Break into groups of 3 and ask the following question, “what difficult situations are you facing-whether physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, professional or in any other way- for which you need to offer prayer and expect God’s answers?” Pray about the different situations and resolve to look for and expect the Lord’s answers.

Goal: Remember Jesus' death and resurrection. Receive strength & joy that He is with us. Renew our hope for Jesus' return and the restoration of creation.

Suggested Practice:
  • Distribute bread and juice.
  • Read the following statement…“the body of Christ has been given, broken for us and the entire world. This bread reminds us that He paid a debt that He did not owe so that we wouldn’t have to pay a debt that we did owe”.
  • Eat the bread.
  • Read the following statement…“The blood of Christ has been poured out, shed for us and the entire world. This juice reminds us that we have a permanent and unbreakable relationship with Him and that death has no power over us and no power over creation”.
  • Drink the juice.

Goal: Focus our attention on Jesus and consider what He wants to do & say this coming week.

Suggested Practice:
Read 1 Peter 1:13-16 and pray a blessing over your Small Church.