Main Theme: Cultivating a life of fervent prayer.
Goal: Focus our attention on Jesus and be open to what He wants to do & say in our gathering.
Suggested Practice:
Read Psalm 84 and thank God for desiring, making a way, and inviting us into relationship with Him.
Goal: Make Jesus central in our gathering. This could be done through songs, prayerful scripture reading, communion, etc.
Suggested Practice:
Choose 2 songs to sing together (or listen to) that will help you focus on God’s invitation for relationship.
Possible Options:
____[Dismiss the Kids/Youth]____
Goal: To know each other's stories.
Suggested Practice A:
Select one person to answer the following question:
Suggested Practice B:
Select one person to answer the following question:
Suggested Practice C:
Break into groups of 3 people. Answer the following questions:
Goal: Learn how to follow Jesus in everyday life.
Learning Objectives:
Suggested Practice A:
Suggested Practice B:
Read Acts 12:1-19 together. What do you notice? What questions do these words provoke? What does it mean to follow Jesus?
____[Kids/Youth Rejoin Adults]____
Goal: Respond appropriately to what Jesus is doing & saying in our gathering.
Suggested Practice A:
Break into groups of 3 and ask everyone to identify 1 person in their life that they are feeling led to fervently pray for. Pray for each person that was identified.
Suggested Practice B:
Break into groups of 3 and ask the following question, “what difficult situations are you facing-whether physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, professional or in any other way- for which you need to offer prayer and expect God’s answers?” Pray about the different situations and resolve to look for and expect the Lord’s answers.
Goal: Remember Jesus' death and resurrection. Receive strength & joy that He is with us. Renew our hope for Jesus' return and the restoration of creation.
Suggested Practice:
Goal: Focus our attention on Jesus and consider what He wants to do & say this coming week.
Suggested Practice:
Read 1 Peter 1:13-16 and pray a blessing over your Small Church.
Goal: Focus our attention on Jesus and be open to what He wants to do & say in our gathering.
Suggested Practice:
Read Psalm 84 and thank God for desiring, making a way, and inviting us into relationship with Him.
Goal: Make Jesus central in our gathering. This could be done through songs, prayerful scripture reading, communion, etc.
Suggested Practice:
Choose 2 songs to sing together (or listen to) that will help you focus on God’s invitation for relationship.
Possible Options:
____[Dismiss the Kids/Youth]____
Goal: To know each other's stories.
Suggested Practice A:
Select one person to answer the following question:
- When was a time in your life that God answered your prayers in a miraculous way?
Suggested Practice B:
Select one person to answer the following question:
- Who has been an example to you of cultivating a life of fervent prayer? How have they inspired you? How has their example changed you?
Suggested Practice C:
Break into groups of 3 people. Answer the following questions:
- What are you thankful for this week?
- What has stressed you out this week?
Goal: Learn how to follow Jesus in everyday life.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the importance of a healthy prayer life.
- Explain why we should cultivate a life of prayer when God already knows the outcome.
- Describe how we can cultivate a life of fervent prayer.
Suggested Practice A:
- Why should we bother to pray if God already knows the outcome?
- In Acts 12:15, why do the gathered believers have trouble believing that their prayers have been answered?
- When have you prayed fervently and then had trouble believing that God was answering or had answered?
- How do we cultivate a life of fervent prayer?
- What one change can you make to better cultivate a life of fervent prayer?
Suggested Practice B:
Read Acts 12:1-19 together. What do you notice? What questions do these words provoke? What does it mean to follow Jesus?
____[Kids/Youth Rejoin Adults]____
Goal: Respond appropriately to what Jesus is doing & saying in our gathering.
Suggested Practice A:
Break into groups of 3 and ask everyone to identify 1 person in their life that they are feeling led to fervently pray for. Pray for each person that was identified.
Suggested Practice B:
Break into groups of 3 and ask the following question, “what difficult situations are you facing-whether physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, professional or in any other way- for which you need to offer prayer and expect God’s answers?” Pray about the different situations and resolve to look for and expect the Lord’s answers.
Goal: Remember Jesus' death and resurrection. Receive strength & joy that He is with us. Renew our hope for Jesus' return and the restoration of creation.
Suggested Practice:
- Distribute bread and juice.
- Read the following statement…“the body of Christ has been given, broken for us and the entire world. This bread reminds us that He paid a debt that He did not owe so that we wouldn’t have to pay a debt that we did owe”.
- Eat the bread.
- Read the following statement…“The blood of Christ has been poured out, shed for us and the entire world. This juice reminds us that we have a permanent and unbreakable relationship with Him and that death has no power over us and no power over creation”.
- Drink the juice.
Goal: Focus our attention on Jesus and consider what He wants to do & say this coming week.
Suggested Practice:
Read 1 Peter 1:13-16 and pray a blessing over your Small Church.
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