Easter Sunday has passed, but for believers it’s only the beginning & the road to new life continues. Because Jesus ascended to heaven and sits on the Throne – this changes everything! We become co-heirs with Christ and are called children of God. As we continue on this road to new life we are now resurrected and redeemed people. Do our lives and the state of our hearts reflect this eternal inheritance? Who sits on the throne of our heart? (First 1-1/2 minutes is poor quality audio, but better after that)
| Deb Childs | April 11th, 2025
Throne Road New Life 4-11-21 Blended
Easter Sunday has passed, but for believers it’s only the beginning & the road to new life continues. Because Jesus ascended to heaven and sits on the Throne – this changes everything! We become co-heirs with Christ and are called children of God. As we continue on this road to… Read More