| Pastor Sam Rawley | August 8th, 2024

A New Life 8-8-21

Pastor Sam’s 4th Sermon in the “A New Humanity” Series; “The New Life”. Change is hard. In Ephesians 4:22-24, Paul tells us to put off the old self & put on the new self, resisting the world’s ways. Our Rhythms of resistance are Fasting, Silence & Solitude, Lament, Community, Worship,… Read More

Pastor Sam’s 4th Sermon in the “A New Humanity” Series; “The New Life”. Change is hard. In Ephesians 4:22-24, Paul tells us to put off the old self & put on the new self, resisting the world’s ways. Our Rhythms of resistance are Fasting, Silence & Solitude, Lament, Community, Worship, Confession, Prayer, Sabbath. Failure to change and develop new patterns of transformation/ rhythms of resistance is to fail to live as New Humanity. Pastor Sam’s question for reflection: Do you have any relationships that