| Pastor Steve Swanson | December 6th, 2025

Peace Advent 12-6-20

Pastor Steve continues the Advent series with “Peace in the midst of uncertainty”. Hope leads to Peace, which leads to Joy, which leads to Love – all which centers on Jesus. The world’s concept of peace (via WikiPedia) vs a Christian theological one. What are the ingredients of peace? Confidence… Read More

Pastor Steve continues the Advent series with “Peace in the midst of uncertainty”. Hope leads to Peace, which leads to Joy, which leads to Love – all which centers on Jesus. The world’s concept of peace (via WikiPedia) vs a Christian theological one. What are the ingredients of peace? Confidence – Approval – Assurance – Lack of fear – Awe, but in the right measure. Why the difference between Jesus’ words in John 14:27 vs Matthew 10:34 ?