Pastor Steve continues the Advent series with “Peace in the midst of uncertainty”. Hope leads to Peace, which leads to Joy, which leads to Love – all which centers on Jesus. The world’s concept of peace (via WikiPedia) vs a Christian theological one. What are the ingredients of peace? Confidence – Approval – Assurance – Lack of fear – Awe, but in the right measure. Why the difference between Jesus’ words in John 14:27 vs Matthew 10:34 ?
| Pastor Steve Swanson | December 6th, 2025
Peace Advent 12-6-20
Pastor Steve continues the Advent series with “Peace in the midst of uncertainty”. Hope leads to Peace, which leads to Joy, which leads to Love – all which centers on Jesus. The world’s concept of peace (via WikiPedia) vs a Christian theological one. What are the ingredients of peace? Confidence… Read More