| Deb Childs | November 29th, 2025

Hope in Midst of Uncertainty 11-29-20

Hope is is the Confident Expectation of Coming Good Advent is here, which is a new hope – God’s coming. We must renew our minds, knowing that God is always with us, ready to provide for all our needs. We must Dwell in God’s PRESENCE, Trust for His PROVISION, Rely… Read More

Hope is is the Confident Expectation of Coming Good Advent is here, which is a new hope – God’s coming. We must renew our minds, knowing that God is always with us, ready to provide for all our needs. We must Dwell in God’s PRESENCE, Trust for His PROVISION, Rely on His POWER & Believe His PROMISE. CoVID has cancelled many things, but HOPE is not cancelled!! Group questions for your consideration: 1) In what ways has it been difficult to maintain a sense of strength and hope in these last months? 2) What