Continuing with the 12 Foundation Stones for FICF. This week, it’s ‘Generous’ The Greek & Hebrew original words are ‘Good Eye’, which is very challenging to understand how it is translated into English as ‘Generous’. It is a language peculiarity known as an idiom. Basically, ‘good eye’ is an idiom for seeing things God’s way, in a positive light, being able to discern good & evil as God does.
| Brad Feltis | November 10th, 2025
12 Stones - Generosity 11-10-19
Continuing with the 12 Foundation Stones for FICF. This week, it’s ‘Generous’ The Greek & Hebrew original words are ‘Good Eye’, which is very challenging to understand how it is translated into English as ‘Generous’. It is a language peculiarity known as an idiom. Basically, ‘good eye’ is an idiom… Read More